Issue 4, July 27 - August 9, 2016

Issue 4, July 27 - August 9, 2016

How migration affects the economy. That’s the question. Isn’t it? While this newspaper will be bringing various takes on this by our policy makers and market watchers in future, we start with a very good explanation by reserve bank officials on page six.

In the last issue, we introduced a column for documenting third sector activities in Greater Christchurch and we thank Christchurch Resettlement Services for becoming a part of it. Read the Bhutanese Fun Family Day story on Page seven.

We are continuously trying to improve and introduce new segments in every issue, and this time on page 15 we have started publishing free public notices for the benefit of the entire community.

A special mention for the migrant story on page 13 where Maria from Italy shares her kidney donation story. It took some persuasion, as good people don’t like to talk about their good deeds, but she reluctantly agreed. Hats off to her!

May she inspires all of us!

As you might have seen on page one, the police recruitment drive in Christchurch was a huge success. Now the onus is on the Police to translate this interest into real recruitments. While this may take some time, the initiative must be lauded by one and all. A not-so-diverse police force is never good for a community, if international events in the past one year are anything to go by.

I urge you to take a look at our centre-spread detailing the various religions of Canterbury. While there is a special note on the page expressing this, I too unreservedly apologise for any unintentional error in depicting the religious symbols. I hope our readers will take the illustration with the same spirit it was made with.


Issue 5, August 10- August 23, 2016

Issue 5, August 10- August 23, 2016

Issue 3, July 13 - july 26, 2016

Issue 3, July 13 - july 26, 2016