WoW: Out of the world in Nelson

WoW: Out of the world in Nelson

(caption for the above picture: The twin-wonder of Nelson: World of WearableArt and Classic Cars Museum)

Since 2001, visitors from around the globe have been treated to the "twin-wonders" of Nelson in the form of the World of WearableArt and Classic Cars Museum. Displaying one of Australasia's largest private collections of vintage cars, visitors are also treated to over 70 World of WearableArt garments.

"The entire exhibition is changed in April and November each year. The spectacular and highly-theatrical WOW performances, held in Wellington every spring, started right here in Nelson in 1987 with a single evening show in a country cottage. Hundreds of entries arrive at WOW® in Nelson every autumn, in time for the show selection process. Designers create their garments for categories ranging from wearable art for children, to breath-taking Avant Garde and Open Section garments; wearable art inspired by flora, fauna and the cultures of the South Pacific, to garments aiming for recognition in Creative Excellence, Costume and Film,  Man Unleashed and the Bizarre Bra™ categories," says the Museum's website. 

A previous year's award winning WearableArt garment on display in the gallery

A previous year's award winning WearableArt garment on display in the gallery

Ford Model T on display in the museum. First produced in 1908, it was the car which 'put America on wheels', as it was the first car to be built on a moving assembly line.

Ford Model T on display in the museum. First produced in 1908, it was the car which 'put America on wheels', as it was the first car to be built on a moving assembly line.

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Heritage: Relive 1900s at the Ferrymead Heritage Park

Heritage: Relive 1900s at the Ferrymead Heritage Park

Your corner: I have contributed to translating the Treaty of Waitangi into Malay language - Dr Buvanis Karuppiah

Your corner: I have contributed to translating the Treaty of Waitangi into Malay language - Dr Buvanis Karuppiah