Policing: CAB hosts seminar for migrants in Ashburton

Policing: CAB hosts seminar for migrants in Ashburton

(caption for the above picture: (left) Senior Constable Mark Dryland, Community Police Officer from Ashburton, and Constable Li’Ying Cai, Asian Liaison Officer/Community Relations, Canterbury Police District, addressing the gathering)


At the end of November, Citizens Advice Bureau (Christchurch area) hosted a seminar for migrants at the Ashburton Seniors’ Centre on the topic “Policing in New Zealand.”

The event was attended by approximately 65 people, the majority of whom were Filipinos working in the dairy industry in Ashburton and neighbouring areas. The new Mayor of Ashburton, Donna Favel, and Councillors Thelma Bell and Selwyn Price, also attended.

The event began with a buffet-style dinner of Filipino food, catered by Dandin Restaurant in Ashburton.

After the kai, there were two presentations.

Firstly, Senior Constable Mark Dryland_(Community Police Officer from Ashburton) and Constable Li’Ying Cai (Asian Liaison Officer/Community Relations, Canterbury_Police_District) presented on New Zealand road rules.

They specifically talked about seat belt use, mobile phones, speeding and drink driving, as well as the impacts of climate and weather on road conditions. They also focussed their presentation on family violence and how it is unacceptable in this country. Mark and Li’ Ying encouraged participants to contact them with any questions or issues.  

After the police presentation, Penny Arthur, Senior Legal Educator at Canterbury Community Law, offered some information on obtaining health insurance for people in New Zealand on work visas of less than two years’ duration.

This topic is important in light of recent medical emergencies within the migrant community, which have alerted migrants to the ways in which health insurance can be beneficial.
Citizens Advice Bureau will be hosting another seminar in the first quarter of 2017 for migrants of any nationality in Ashburton. The seminar is tentatively planning to provide information on the recent immigration changes implemented by the government.

For more information about the 2017's first quarter seminar in Ashburton, please contact one of the organisations involved in its preparation:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau (Christchurch area):   migrant.cabchch@gmail.com or 0800 367 222
  • Philippines Culture and Sport (Christchurch): philculspt@gmail.com
  • Ashburton District Council Community Development Advisor: John.Hobbs@adc.govt.nz
  • Ashburton Newcomers Network: newcomers@saferashburton.org.nz 
  • Filipino Dairy Workers in New Zealand Inc (FDWNZ): dr_earljohn@yahoo.com
  • Community Law Canterbury (regular clinic in Ashburton): admin@canlaw.org.nz

If you have questions, you can contact Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for free assistance. There is no CAB in Ashburton – your nearest branches are in Christchurch or Timaru – but you can phone us toll free on 0800 367 222, or send us an email at christchurchnorth@cab.org.nz

- This article is contributed by Sally Carlton, Settlement Support, Citizens' Advice Bureau, Christchurch

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