Enlightened companies: AuCom employees represent 26 different nationalities

Enlightened companies: AuCom employees represent 26 different nationalities

28 different languages are spoken in its workplace

In similar vein to Hellers from Waimakariri [story on page 6], Christchurch-based AuCom Electronics, specialists in fixed speed motor control, which has 110 employees on its role, employs migrants coming from 26 different nationalities.  

Mandy Nottingham, AuCom's HR Head, informs, “Within the AuCom team we speak more than 28 different languages including one employee speaking nine different languages, another employee speaking five different languages and another 11 people speaking three different languages.”

“AuCom has embraced diversity right from inception of the company in 1978. We have many social activities during the year which celebrate different cultural festivals including Diwali, German beer fest, Chinese New year – some of which are initiated by the employees themselves and others being led by the company and social committee.”

Brent Archer, CEO of AuCom, whose father founded the company added, “We have not known any other way. Apart from the obvious advantage of getting the best possible talent from around the world, it open doors for us in newer markets. For example, when we employ an Indian, and approach the Indian market through him or her, we get a head-start on our competitors. Our Indian customers also feel more comfortable in dealing with our Indian employee. It's a win-win for everybody.”

True to its diverse nature, and inspired by the Rio Olympics, AuCom was also organised an AuComOlympic Challenge this time.

“Employees have been randomly allocated to a country team; we have 12 countries represented in the challenge. one of course is New Zealand. The challenge has run from 5-19 August, with the grand finale and medal ceremony being held on Monday 22 followed by morning tea. Employees earned valuable team points by recording their fitness activities (outside work); by showcasing their team country; participating in Olympic challenge workshops including women and men’s self-defence training, Zumba, Indoor Football, external speaker workshops; as well as completing the Company's wellness and safety quiz’s,” concluded Mandy.

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Click on the image to enlarge it and read the printed version of the story.

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Funding: New ethnic community funding round opens

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