Korea is in turbulence

Korea is in turbulence

Democratic practice has been largely withdrawn by untested leaders in Korea. However, the impeachment will benefit the expat Koreans as well as people in the Korean peninsula much greater in the future than ever.

Through the 1945 liberation, the 1950 Korean War, and the 1961 military coup d'état, Korea has never been able to take away the vested interests of the pro-Japanese regime. Korea’s democracy seemed to be developed off and on owing to the ruling of the opposition democratic forces, but again this impeached Park and the ruling party’s allegiance sparked the public’s desire to reset the Republic of Korea in all aspects including democracy, culture, economy and education.

More than sixteen million people (one third of Korean’s total population) gathered in a series of candlelight vigil for about five months for the impeachment of the president and the construction of a fair nation. No matter whether it rained or snowed.. Sometimes the thermometer stood 10 degrees below zero. We all have witnessed a revolution with no single accident.

Spring is just around the corner in Korea. The presidential election scheduled on May 9, will be the touchstone not only to the spring of democracy but also to the era of economic equality from the system of jaebeol, Korean business conglomerate. They also look forward to choose the true leader who can bring people the real sense of the independence in making decision from the diplomatic powers.

- Kevin Park, Canterbury Migrants Centre

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