Treaty-based multiculturalism: One Voice forum highlights priorities

Treaty-based multiculturalism: One Voice forum highlights priorities

One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK), recently convened a forum - celebrating Matariki and the voices of the third sector - to obtain feedback, from the Christchurch’s third sector organisations, on the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA)'s report, Third-sector recovery in the post-earthquake Christchurch.

Approximately forty individual community leaders, from in excess of 50 organisations attended and participated in group discussions and a plenary session. These were structured around the four major well-being topic categories: social, economic, cultural, and environmental. The Forum focused primarily on the “Priority Actions” (as outlined on pages 29 and 30 of the published report).

In conclusion, the forum decided to work on improving relationships between various third-sector organisations.

It was also decided to identify organisations already working on some of the "Priority Actions" and request them to join forces.

Finally, OVTRK decided to keep working on its current priorities, which include:

  • advocating for the value of Third Sector Organisations (TSOs), 
  • promoting Te Tiriti o Waitangi-based multicultural future, and
  • creating communication conduits for third sector voices to be heard in the government (local, regional and national) earthquake regeneration phase.

About One Voice Te Reo Kotahi

"One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK) gives a voice to organisations that have not been formed by Government or Commerce. It was established in 2011 as a non-profit sector voice. For some the focus was on the recovery from the earthquakes and the consequent 'rebuild' of the fabric of the city's community-initiated (third sector) groups, for others it is on the desire for a more cohesive sector. OVTRK speaks from, not for, the sector."

- source:

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